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(Nightingale Nursing College illegally defrauding students)
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:''NEW: https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Dok-Tok&action=edit&redlink=1''
:'''After years of fighting, Nightingale voluntarily withdrew and lost their Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accreditation on March 15, 2021. https://www.acenursing.org/voluntary-withdrawal'''
* https://vk.com/video-24199209_456281446
[[File:mikhail shneyder.png|thumb|right|200px|Mikhail Shneyder, CEO of '''Nightingale Nursing College''' former vice president of a College in California which was shut down by the US federal government.]]
* https://rutube.ru/video/437039f7568ab1d83a80b403b7f95fb7
* https://www.instagram.com/tv/CI3wdsJqLEr
* <s> https://youtu.be/FbuOxXjzLhU </s>
* <s>https://ok.ru/video/2173189493131 </s>
* https://ok.ru/lifenews/topic/152750348667667
** https://ok.ru/video/2698042608147
* https://life.ru/p/1359054
'''Nightingale Nursing College''' in '''Salt Lake City, Utah''' ''public'' image is a noble one. It  is a progressive dynamic Nursing college which gives poor and underprivileged rural students the opportunity to become nurses.  But the truth is that, in the words of the former IT director [[#Sean Millard: Government Fraud, Spying on accreditors, Cheating students |Sean Millard]], Nightingale College is an "slush fund" that rips off their own students they claim they are trying to protect.  As [[#Suzette Scheuermann: Concealing information from nursing accreditors|Suzette Scheuermann]], Sean Millard and [[#Travis Bailey, Esq.: Spying on ACEN Nursing accreditor|Travis Bailey]] explains, Nightingale College repeatedly lie to regulatory bodies such as ACEN and ABHES that are created to protect nursing students and the public at large. '''Nightingale College''''s CEO is  [[Mikhail Shneyder]],
a Russian (Belorussian) who was [[#Mikhail Shneyder: Former college closed by Federal Government|vice president of a College in California which was shut down by the federal government]].  '''There is currently an ongoing two year investigation with Washington State Nursing Accreditors about these allegations.'''<ref>Washington Department of Health sent an official acknowledgement letter on August 31, 2020  “I see that they applied for a license as a training school in 2018. Our database says that initial application is "pending". No update in our records since then.”</ref>
Первый канал Док-Ток пытается депортировать американского адвоката, который в 2016 году попросил у России политического убежища. Сотрудники Dok-Tok виновны в уголовном преследовании за клевету за неправдивые заявления. <!-- First Channel Dok-Tok is trying to deport an American lawyer who sought Russian political asylum in 2016.   -->
According to past and current employees, Nightingale would have lost their ABHES licensing if they didn't have their lawyers sue.  
:''Полное объяснение того, как Dok-Tok обращается с гостями, см: [https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=en&tl=ru&u=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dok-Tok https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dok-Tok].''
== Nightingale Nursing College  illegally defrauding students  ==
[[File:SEAN MILLARD.jpg|200px]] [[File:selfie nightingale college 20180206_113529.jpg|250px]]
[[File:Ksenia as a child ugly.png|right|200px|thumb|Собчак, Ксения Анатольевна]]
[[File:Dok_tok_ksenia.png|right|200px|thumb|  запросы средств массовой информации:      alwaysvotewithyourfeet@gmail.com ]]
[[File:Dok tok logo.png|right|300px|thumb|  Английская Википедия:<br> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dok-Tok ]]
«Док-Ток» — ежедневное вечернее ток-шоу «[[Первый канал (Россия)|Первого канала]]». Ведущие — [[Собчак, Ксения Анатольевна|Ксения Собчак]] и [[Гордон, Александр Гарриевич|Александр Гордон]]. Выходит в эфир с понедельника по среду в 22:30.
"So, you are telling me that they were actually charging for students that were not in the school, the full amount.
Продюсеры «Док-Ток» практикуют неэтичную незаконную журналистику. Сотрудники программы Оля, Таня и Фатима угрожали мне депортацией, если я не выступлю в телешоу «Док-Ток». Сообщения с угрозами передавались через мою бывшую учительницу русского языка Ирину.  Они преследовали меня, незаконно фотографировали и снимали меня на видео без моего разрешения и размещали эти видео в Интернете без моего согласия. Оля приходила ко мне домой, стояла у дверей моей комнаты и угрожала мне. Также Оля активно давала хозяйке юридические консультации, как меня выселить.
SEAN MILLARD (Former IT director):
Оля, Таня и Фатима - аморальные и подлые люди, которые ради новостей готовы на все. Их поведение является отражением руководства их телеканала "Первый канал". Я участвовал в передаче "Давай поженимся". Лариса и двое других ведущих крайне грубо обращаются с гостями и открыто издеваются над ними. На "Первом канале" относятся к иностранцам и к своим русским как к продуктам развлечения, как к скоту.
"The full amount, yeah"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
"Yeah, the full amount"
|+ {{e}}
'' '' Dok-Tok '' '' is a daily evening talk show  on "[[Channel One (Russia)|Channel One]]". The hosts are [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ksenia_Sobchak Ksenia Sobchak] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Gordon_(journalist) Alexander Gordon]. It airs on Monday to Wednesday at 22:30.
«Док-Ток» producers participate in unethical and illegal journalism. Employees Olya, Tanya and Fatima threatened me with deportation unless I appeared on the television show «Док-Ток». The relayed threatening messages through my former Russian teacher Irina. They stalked me, took photographs and videos Illegally of me without my permission and posted these videos online without my consent.  Olya visited my home and threatened me at my bedroom door.   Olya actively gave legal advice to the landlady on how to evict me.  
"So, if you were a student and you signed up, you paid the full amount and they used it through the student loan program and the way it looked, they had a huge slush fund and that’s the way they made it sound, so they never run out of money. Because sixty students, yeah, and that’s the way they put it and more. We have to have x amount of people signed up every semester.
Olya, Tanya and Fatima are immoral and despicable human beings who will do anything for a  news story. Their behavior is  a reflection of the management of their television station Первого канала.   I was also on Давай поженимся. Larissa and the other two hosts are extremely rude to their guests and openly mock them.  Первого канала treats foreigners and their own Russian people like entertainment commodities,  livestock.
== Американская жертва психически здорова ==
There were testing centers that would allow other people’s companies to come in and do tests on these computers for their company but no other companies come in do to test on those machines...it was government type funding. If you are a testing centre, you can get grants…. You can get tax credits, you can get tax cuts and grants.
Жертва насильственной Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич (https://stanislavzalnzhsky.com), Александр Владимирович Улютинов (https://alexanderulyutinov.com), Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна (https://tatianagrigorieva.com) была определена психически здоровой Правительство РФ в декабре 2020 года.
14 марта 2021 года Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич преследовал американского адвоката. Пострадавший кричал о помощи на русском языке. Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич рассказал соседям, что пострадавший сошел с ума. Соседи ушли и позволили Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич жестоко избить американского адвоката.
* '''Full audio recording:'''  https://soundcloud.com/travis-bailey-648277970/nightgale-sean-millard
* [[:File:Nightingale Nursing College Sean FULL.docx|Sean Millard, Full transcript of recording]]. ''(Word document)''
== The American lawyer is mentally healthy ==
The victim of violent Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич (https://stanislavzalnzhsky.com), Александр Владимирович Улютинов (https://alexanderulyutinov.com), Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна (https://tatianagrigorieva.com/) was determined to be mentally healthy by the Russian Federal government in December 2020.
On March 14, 2021, Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич chased the American lawyer. The victim screamed for help in Russian. Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич told the neighbors that the victim was crazy.  The neighbors left and allowed Залнжскии Станислав Игоревич to savagely  beat the American lawyer.  -->
[[File:health record december 2020 medical (2).jpeg|300px]]
; Whistle-blower? Here is what you can do to expose Nightingale College
[[File:health record december 2020 medical (1).jpeg|300px]]
* Report your '''Nightingale Nursing College''' Complaints to Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). ''See below.''
== Mikhail Shneyder: Former college closed by Federal Government ==
[[File:nightingale Mikhail Shneyder  Heald College as the Vice President.jpg|right|400px|thumb|The United States Department of Education closed down the former college where [[Mikhail Shneyder]] worked.]]
==Преследование тремя сотрудниками первого канала телевизионного шоу «док ток»==
From 2009 to approximately 2012, [[Mikhail Shneyder]] worked at California's Heald College as the Vice President.  Due to findings by the Department of Education of misrepresented job placement rates at certain programs of Heald College from July 2010–2015, the department made students eligible to have their debts canceled.  Because of a lawsuit alleging that "Heald College...misrepresented job placement rates for certain programs".<ref>[https://blog.ed.gov/2016/07/apply-student-loan-forgiveness-attended-heald-college/ How to Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness if You Attended Heald College], United States Department of Education.</ref>  Heald College was shut down on April 27, 2015.<ref name=Chron> Jill Tucker [https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Corinthian-Colleges-shuts-down-in-S-F-and-6225068.php  Corinthian, Heald colleges shut down abruptly], San Francisco Chronicle. April 26, 2015.</ref>
{{template:DOKTOK employees}}
* [https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/about/announcements/corinthian#heald Information About Debt Relief for Corinthian Colleges Students]
* [http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Education/Licensing Committee Meeting], State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, (March 10, 2011) - "Heald College Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program, Fresno Campus Representing Heald College were Mikhail Shneyder, RN, is Vice President of Allied Health Programs at Heald College Central Administrative Office"
* [https://dopl.utah.gov/licensing/minutes/2012/nurse_education_%202012-04-05.pdf Minutes Utah Education Committee Board of Nursing], (April 5, 2012 - in which Shneyder explains he started working at Nightingale in March, 2012)
== Уголовное оскорбление и преследование со стороны Колесник Ольга Олеговна и сотрудников  ==
:''See Also [https://tatianagrigorieva.com/ www.tatianagrigorieva.com] and [https://alexanderulyutinov.com/ Alexanderuly Utinov.com]''
[[File:Tatiana_writing_evgina_fake_wife_with_olya_number_channel_1_WhatsApp_Image_2020-12-23_at_2.21.44_PM.jpeg|  thumb | 200px|Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна - квартирная хозяйка американки в той же квартире. Григорьева звонит Колеснику Ольге Олеговне за юридической консультацией, чтобы обвинить американца.]]
Док-Ток создал клеветническое видео. Видео есть на "LIFE". Док-Ток доверял истории трех человек. Психически больной алкоголик, '''Марухину Михаилу Сергеевичу'''. Бывший информатор КГБ, склонный к насилию, '''[https://tatianagrigorieva.com Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна]'''. Брат осведомителя - '''[https://alexanderulyutinov.com/ Александр Владимирович Улютинов]'''. Улютинов ударил американца в рот 10 января 2021.  Улютинов тогда дважды пытался сломать американцу телефон, который есть на видео. 16 января 2021 сбежал от полиции, которая есть на видео. Улютинов продолжал посещать дом американца. Полиция ничего не делает.  Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна Донская улица, 6c2 кв 150, подъезд 7.  Брат Татьяны Улютинов живет по адресу ул. Краснобогатырская, 9 кв 230.
== Federal lawsuit after loss of ACEN accreditation loss on March 15, 2021 ==
=== Federal lawsuit ===
Все русские знают, что полиция коррумпирована. Российская полиция еще хуже обращается с иностранцами. Полиция в этом случае хуже. Роман Иванов - капитан полиции в Отделении МВД России по району Якиманка города Москвы, 119017 Москва, Россия, ул. Большая Полянка, 33 / 41с3. У метро Полянка.
<!---  Hours of Operation: 8:30 to 4:30  -->
Иванов дважды напал на американца в отделении полиции. Одно нападение снято на видео. Нападение произошло на американское Рождество, 25 декабря 2020 года. Иванов схватил телефон обвиняемых. Затем Иванов физически вытащил американца из полицейского участка. Иванов сказал американцу никогда не возвращаться. Американец только настаивал на переводе на английский. Это российский закон. Публикация этого видео незаконна.
Nightingale College v. Bailey
Колесник Ольга Олеговна пригрозила американскому учителю русского языка, что, если американец не появится на телевидении, Док-Ток его депортирует. Колесник Ольга Олеговна час простояла у дверей комнаты американца, угрожая американцу депортацией, если он не появится на Док-Ток.
Plaintiff: Nightingale College
С декабря 2020 года Колесник Ольга Олеговна активно помогает буйному Григорьева депортировать американца. Смотрите фотографию.
Defendant: Travis L. Bailey
Сотрудники четырех сотрудников Док-Ток заблокировали телефонные звонки американских юристов. Док-Ток отказывается снимать нелегальные ролики. В марте 2021 года американец был на Первом канале много раз. Четверо сотрудников не будут отвечать на телефонные звонки американца из службы безопасности.
Case Number: 2:2021cv00099
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
Filed: February 19, 2021
|+ {{e}}
;Criminal defamation and harassment by Колесник Ольга Олеговна and staff
Док-Ток created a libelous video.  The video is on "Life".  Док-Ток trusted the story of three people. A mentally ill alcoholic, Марухину Михаилу Сергеевичу.  A violent former informant for the KGB, Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна.  The informant's brother is Александр Владимирович Улютинов. Улютинов hit the American in the mouth  on January 10.  Улютинов then tried to break the Americans phone twice which is on video.  On January 16 Улютинов ran away from the police which is on video.  Улютинов continued to visit the home of the American.  The police do nothing. 
Court: US District Court for the District of Utah
Everyone Russian knows the police are corrupt. Russian police treat foreigners even worst. The police in this case are the worse. Роман Иванов is the police captain at Отдел МВД России по району Якиманка города Москвы, 119017 Москва, Россия, ул. Большая Полянка, 33/41с3.  At metro Полянка. 
Presiding Judge: Jared C Bennett <!-- Tena Campbell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tena_Campbell -->
Иванов  physically assaulted the American twice in the police station.  One assault is on video. The assault  happened on American Christmas, December 25, 2020. Иванов grabbed the defendants phone.  Иванов then physically dragged the American out of the police station.  Иванов told the American never to return.  The American was only insisting on a English translator.  This  is Russian law.  It is illegal to share this video.
Nature of Suit: Trademark
Колесник Ольга Олеговна threatened the American's Russian teacher that if the American did not appear on TV, Док-Ток would deport the American.  Колесник Ольга Олеговна  stood outside the American's room door for an hour threatening the American with deportation if he did not appear on Док-Ток.
Cause of Action: 28:1441
Since Decemeber 2020, Колесник Ольга Олеговна is actively helping the violent Григорьева to deport the American.  See photograph. 
Jury Demanded By: None
The staff four staff of Док-Ток have blocked the American lawyers phone calls. Док-Ток refuses to remove the illegal videos.  The American has been to First Channel numerous times in March 2021.  The four staff will not talk to the American's phone calls from security.
RSS RSS Track this Docket
==Отчет полиции подан 3 января 2021 г.==
Docket Report
[[File:TALON SUBMISSION TO POLICE WhatsApp Image 2021-01-03 at 4.25.59 PM.jpeg|200px]]
=== Страница  1 ===
[[File:Tatiana channel 1 dok tok tatiana oktoberskaaya ПЕРЕВОД (RUSSIAN)-1.png|400px]]
=== Страница 2 ===
[[File:Tatiana channel 1 dok tok tatiana oktoberskaaya ПЕРЕВОД (RUSSIAN)-2.png|400px]]
'''17 ДЕКАБРЯ''', со мной связалась Таня с программы «ДОК ТОК» Первого канала, +7 918 900-27-68, она сказала, что хочет, чтобы я приехал на их новое шоу. Я отказался. Я сказал ей, что не хочу участвовать в шоу.  
This docket was last retrieved on February 19, 2021. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
'''17 ДЕКАБРЯ''', моя учительница русского Ирена, +7-905-717-20-57, которую я представил ГРИГОРЬЕВА ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА  написала мне и сказала, что звонила Таня из ДОК ТОК. Таня предложила помощь, в противном случае меня депортируют в США.
Date Filed Document Text
'''18 ДЕКАБРЯ''', Фатима из шоу «ДОК ТОК» Первого канала связалась со мной +7 916 425-23-39, она говорит, что они делают репортаж на «социальные темы». Я ответил, чтобы они оставили меня в покое.  
February 19, 2021 Filing 2 Report on the Filing of an action sent to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (mh)
'''19 ДЕКАБРЯ''', Оля подходит к двери моей комнаты вместе с моей квартирной хозяйкой ГРИГОРЬЕВА ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА. Оля продолжает стучать в дверь и говорит, что не уйдет, пока я не выйду и не поговорю с ней. Она сказала, что разговаривала с моим братом (у меня есть 3 живых брата, все из которых преступники – вероятно, она разговаривала с Бёрком Райаном Бейли, судимому за тяжкое насильственное преступление в Оклахоме и уголовное преступление в  Айдахо). Она сказала, что если я не найду с их помощью новую квартиру, меня депортируют.
February 19, 2021 Filing 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, case number 200904684. ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 4681093452) filed by Travis L. Bailey. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-State Complaint, #2 Exhibit A-Salt Lake Tribune Article, #3 Exhibit B-Email Correspondence, #4 Civil Cover Sheet 1) Assigned to Magistrate Judge Jared C. Bennett (mh)
'''19 ДЕКАБРЯ''', моя фиктивная жена Евгения пишет мне в WhatsApp и настаивает на том, чтобы я съехал 25 декабря. Позже она пишет, что хочет, чтобы я переехал 28 декабря. Еще позже она мне пишет, что  «ДОК ТОК» хотят меня депортировать, хотят подшутить надо мной по национальному телевидению. Она говорит, что агенты первого канала будут караулить и преследовать меня, и что мне нужно немедленно исчезнуть.
==State lawsuit against whistleblower for defamation from July 2020 to 2021 documents ==
Civil No. 200904684 - Judge Richard McKelvie - Utah Third District Court
Татьяна начинает говорить, что «Первый канал» будет следить за мной, и когда меня арестуют, они будут у дверей с камерами.
* [[:File:Nighitngale college suing me for defamation for reporting their corruption. exhibit list.pdf| Exhibit list against Nightingale]]
* July 27, 2020 - Nightingale College Complaint -  Tier 2 - Civil No. 200904684 - Judge Richard McKelvie  [[:File:Nightingale Complaint Filed 2020.07.27.pdf]]
* September 22, 2020 - Defendant Travis Bailey Response - [[:File:Memorandum Opposing Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction - Signed 2020.09.14.pdf]]
* February 18, 2021 -  [[:File:Application for Judgment by Default 2021.02.18.pdf]]
* March 12, 2021 - [[File:Motion to Remand to Utah State District Court 2021.03.12.pdf|Motion to Remand to Utah State District Court 2021.03.12]]
'''19 ДЕКАБРЯ''', я нахожу в сети видео обо мне, снятое частично ТАТЬЯНОЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВНОЙ и Олей, Фатимой и Таней с Первого канала.
==  Testimonies of Nightingale's illegal and unethical behavior ==
=== [[Sean Millard]]: Government Fraud, camera installed in boardroom, Cheating students ===
! Highlights: Spying on ABHES, fraudulent reporting in testing center, cheating students
SEAN MILLARD installed a camera in the Ogden Nightingale Nursing College boardroom for CEO Mr. Mikhail Shneyder.  It was a camera that only he had the password for.  
In several meetings SEAN MILLARD  attended, CEO Mr. Mikhail Shneyder and Kara Harmon, Vice President, Operations and others in the Nightingale leadership discussed how they had fraudulently reported to government officials that companies had come into the testing center when no companies actually used the facilities.  This was done to receive government grants and tax credits.
:<big><big><big>Life Новости</big></big></big>
Nerima Pasic, Director of Academic Services explained to SEAN MILLARD  that Nightingale College required students sign a two year contract.  If the students dropped out of college after the first semester, Nightingale College would continue to charge the students tuition for the full two years.  Employees were required to meet quotas to sign up new students who would sign the contract.
In response to the question about Sean's statement about Nerima, [[Russ Fuller]] wrote:
:Yes, if a student does not have enough Title IV aid from the government then Nightingale gives them the option to go on a payment plan. They can take courses and they make payments after they graduate or drop like it is a student loan. However, unlike Title IV loans, this payment plan can be discharged in bankruptcy. This is what I was referring to as the “bad debt” on their books in the previous email. They have been forced to take on students of lower and lower quality in order to meet numbers, and have been more reliant upon this as a source of revenue. If this revenue stream dries up I suspect that they will get into trouble very quickly.
==== Nightingale lawsuit against nursing accreditor ABHES  ====
ABHES accused Nightingale College and Mikhail Shneyder of spying on them.  A long legal battle ensued in which ABHES was forced to give Nightingale College accreditation.<ref>Nightingale lawsuit against nursing accreditor ABHES: This lawsuit and the dispute with ABHES is private and not public.  In a snippet of a recorded call, Nursing area director [[Linda Flynn]] confirms knowledge of the ABHES lawsuit: [https://soundcloud.com/mybackup6969/nightingale-nursing-college-linda-flynn-recalls-abhes-lawsuit Linda Flynn Call- recalls Mikhail Shneyder accused of recording ABHES]</ref>  Sean Miller, who installed a secret camera in the conference room where ABHES met, never testified in the litigation. Nightingale employees now say as a result of this litigation ABHES "hates" Mikhail Shneyder.
* [[:File:Sean (portion) Nightingale Nursing College conversation with Sean.docx|Sean Millard]], Portion of transcript (hightlights).
** [https://soundcloud.com/travis-bailey-648277970/nightgale-sean-millard Full recording of Sean Millard], August 28, 2018. ''(Soundcloud)''
*** [[:File:Nightingale Nursing College Sean FULL.docx|Sean Millard]], Full transcript of recording. ''(Word document)''
:Юрист из США брызнул газом в лицо пенсионеру в Москве Американец Трэвис Бейли около полугода снимает комнату в московской трёшке. Помимо него в квартире живёт ещё один квартирант — 72-летний пенсионер — и сама хозяйка жилплощади с пожилой мамой. По их словам, гражданин США регулярно скандалит и даже пускает в ход кулаки. Последний конфликт закончился вызовом скорой помощи и полиции.
=== Suzette Scheuermann: Concealing information from nursing accreditors  ===
:Дебошир распылил газ из перцового баллончика в лицо соседу-пенсионеру.
!Relevant excerpts:  Mikhail Shneyder asked Suzette Scheuermann to lie to ACEN.
[[File:Suzette Scheuermann Suzette in Red.jpg|100px|right|thumb|Suzette Scheuermann]]
'''Suzette''':    Then [Linda] could not do the work anymore from Wyoming and so I offered to step up and work in the role and I worked in the role for four months until you know Mikhail and I had an argument over submitting substantial changed paperwork and I said you know “I am not going to do anything with that, I shall report to the creditors the truth not what you think is the truth and so on”.
'''Suzette''': Yeah, they did not want to record that move. I mean the funny thing is that they did not want me to even tell [ACEN] that [Nightingale was] moving.
'''23 ДЕКАБРЯ''', я захожу на кухню, а моя квартирная хозяйка пишет фальшивой жене, а номер телефона Оли лежит на столе. Я делаю фотографию.
'''Travis''': To Salt Lake, Seriously.
=== Страница 3 ===
'''Suzette''': Yeah, see that is the argument that I had with Mikhail, he said to me that I should retract my report to, you know, to ACEN about us moving to Salt Lake and opening up future studies for the students and you know I was like if you are going to do this let us just tell them we are going to do it and he wanted me to retract my report and I said you know “I do not do that”, I do not take steps back, I tell things the way they are and then we move on from there and so it  is hilarious that they are in Salt Lake now.
[[File:Tatiana channel 1 dok tok tatiana oktoberskaaya ПЕРЕВОД (RUSSIAN)-3.png|400px]]
====Evidence  ====
Оля пишет, что она пишет против меня заявление в полицию.
* [https://soundcloud.com/user-57826575/suzzette-sheuermann-nightingale  Suzette Scheuermann audio recording] ''(soundcloud)''
* [[:File:Suzzette Sheuermann Nightingale Call -2018 04 15-.docx|Suzette Scheuermann]], Full transcript
31 декабря я вижу Таню на улице рядом с моей квартирой в фургоне с двумя другими людьми, когда я перехожу улицу. Оля и Первый канал продолжают работать с ТАТЬЯНОЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВНОЙ.
Я проживаю по адресу: Донская улица, 6c2 кв 150, моей квартирной хозяйкой является  ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА, которая проживает в отдельной комнате. С 3 июня 2020 года. Я полностью оплатил аренду до января 2020 года. У нас есть официально оформленный договор аренды до мая 2020 года. Я являюсь американцем, желающим получить статус беженца. Заявление было отклонено и дважды обжаловано.
Я познакомился с Ростов ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ на телешоу «Давай поженимся» в апреле 2016 года. Я был героем, она была средней героиней. Я сильно смутил актеров «Давай поженимся», уйдя со съемочной площадки. 
Я не зарегистрирован в этом доме, до вчерашнего дня, 31 декабря 2020 года, я был зарегистрирован  у моей фиктивной жены, ЕВГЕНИИ ЯКОВЛЕВНЫ БЕЙЛИ. Я женился на ЕВГЕНИИ ЯКОВЛЕВНЕ БЕЙЛИ, чтобы получить российское гражданство. Она предложила фиктивно выйти за меня замуж 14 июля 2019 года. Она хотела снова пойти на «Давай поженимся» как пара. Она сказала, что возьмет мою фамилию.
ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ и я никогда не консумировали брак и даже не целовались. Она настояла на том, чтобы мы подписали брачный договор. После нашего брака несколько членов моей семьи умерли, и я получила очень большое наследство, на которое она имеет законное право как моя жена. ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ ни разу не была в моей квартире с тех пор, как мы подписали договор аренды в июне. Я никогда не был в ее квартире.
Евгения, немецкий гид в прошлом и информатор в настоящем, помогла заключить контракт с Татьяной, моей квартирной хозяйкой. Примерно в сентябре 2020 года, когда я сказал ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ, что ростовский бизнесмен перестал платить по контракту на 25000, ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ и Татьяна попытались выгнать меня из квартиры и найти нового арендатора, чтобы он жил здесь. Они хотели, чтобы меня депортировали. Если бы меня депортировали, ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ имела бы законное право на всю мою собственность.
==== Suzette Scheuermann contact information ====
: [http://www.suzettescheuermann.com/ Suzette Scheuermann's former webpage]
* [[:File:screencapture-web-archive-org-web-20180828230830-http-www-suzettescheuermann-com-2021-04-01-16_04_06.pdf| Archived PDF of the webpage]]
* [[:File:screencapture-web-archive-org-web-20180828230830-http-www-suzettescheuermann-com-2021-04-01-16_04_06.png| Archived image of the webpage]]
:256 Sugarberry Lane                                                                             
:Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071                                                                                   
:Phone/Texts 502-396-3148 
:Mobile Office: https://zoom.us/j/5025440031
:Email:  suzettescheuermann@hotmail.com
: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzettescheuermann/
: https://www.facebook.com/suzette.scheuermann.5
Моя квартирная хозяйка с 3 июня 2020 года, ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА, была гидом в 1980-х годах и шпионила за немецкими туристами в интересах КГБ. Есть мой сосед по коммуналке, МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ, плотник на пенсии, проживший с Татьяной «40 лет». ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА рассказала, что она и МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ в последние несколько лет сдавали эту квартиру многим иностранцам, находившимся в стране нелегально.  Последний живший здесь иностранец, немец, написал на CIAN.ru плохой отзыв о Татьяне и о том, как с ним обращались. Я утверждаю, что МАРУХИН МИХАИЛ СЕРГЕЕВИЧ и ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА продолжали шпионить за немцами после распада Советского союза и продолжают делать это и сейчас.  Они подвергают их сильнейшему психологическому стрессу, пока они не уедут. Теперь ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА БЕЙЛИ и Татьяна объединились и сделали своей целью другую нацию, американцев, начиная со меня.
=== Stacey Youlios Hornsby: Unethical pay practices ===
[[File:nightingale Stavey Youlios Hornsby.jpg|400px]]
Facebook post, December 2018:
=== Страница 4 ===
:Travis Bailey:
[[File:Tatiana channel 1 dok tok tatiana oktoberskaaya ПЕРЕВОД (RUSSIAN)-4.png|400px]]
::hello ms hornsby, did you used to work at nightingale college? i did too
:Stavey Youlios Hornsby:
::Yes way back when they opened. Only there about 9 mo. I read your stuff on them on fb. I left because of unethical pay practices
===Travis Bailey, Esq.: Spying on ACEN Nursing accreditor ===
"I started working at Nightingale on August 7,2017.
В середине декабря Татьяна и Майкл совершили много актов насилия в отношении меня. Это включало, помимо прочего, следующее:
On September 25,2017 Belorussian Nightingale College CEO [[Mikhail Shneyder]] approached me at my desk and ask me to
send an email to all of the Nightingale staff to write down what they remember from the
ACEN interview. He told me to write down everything I heard in the meeting. Even
though I was new, I felt this was a little too extreme, as my director, [[Susan Jero]] had told
me that the ACEN conferences were confidential and the directors were not supposed
to know what happened in these meetings. I suggested just emailing the directors only.
I sent the email (attached). [[Kara D McDonald-Harmon]], the Budgeting director, emailed
me and asked what I was doing. (attached). I Skyped her back what Mikhail asked me to
do, Kara responded (attached).
1. Татьяна поливает меня водой,
Naive about what was going on, during the first meeting [[Elia Miller]], the HR director
noticed that I was recording the session. She told [[Curtis Hurley]], the IT specialist at
[[Executech]]. I immediately stopped the recording.
2. Татьяна бросает мою посуду из кухни в коридор,
I sat in all of the sessions for the ACEN meetings under the guise of technical support, meticulously taken notes from students and faculty about what they thought of the program. Unaware that Mikhail had asked me to do this, [[KayDee Weise]] and [[Susan Jero]] pulled me aside" then approved it and let me return into the room.
3. Миша открывает дверь и входит в мою запертую комнату,
I compiled all of the leaders responses, and attached all of these questions and answers into one Word document (attached) I sent them to the three directors: [[Susan Jero]], [[Mikhail Shneyder]], and [[Jonathan Tanner]]. Susan responded that Jonathan doesn't need it, and that Mikhail wants it for "future accreditation visits" (attached).
4. Миша и Татьяна жестоко срывают вещи с моей двери,
[[Curtis Hurley]], the IT specialist at Executech, lied and told one of the accreditors that it was his initiative to record the sessions and apologized. He told me he did this to "shield the school". I then learned that ABHES had accused Russian Nightingale College CEO
Mikhail Shneyder of recording the accreditation meetings.
5. Татьяна бросает мои вещи в коридоре в мою съемную комнату,
I went directly to my direct supervisor, Susan Jero, and complained about this issue several times. I was terminated on Friday, February 9 for continually bringing up the issue."
6. Татьяна и Миша украли мои ключи, которые я оставил в общей зоне,  
*[[:File:ACEN nightingale letter.pdf|Notarized letter, Travis Bailey]]
** [[:File:2018 02 14 Bailey Travis Documenting ACEN visit and retaliation (all emails).pdf| Bailey Travis Documenting ACEN visit and retaliation]], (February 14, 2018).
; ACEN September 2017 visit
* [[:File:Nightingale ACEN  visit schedule.pdf|Nightingale ACEN  visit schedule]]
7. убирают мои общие вещи по квартире и прячут другие вещи.
=== Eric Corrington: Nightingale is corrupt and has access to files showing this  ===
:''Full conversation with [[Eric Corrington]] - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericcorrington
11 декабря Татьяна и Миша заполнили фальшивые и ложные заявления в полицию, в то время как я, будучи американским юристом, которому привили строгие этические нормы, подал полностью правдивые заявления. Многие заявления полиция не принимала. Михаил и Татьяна продолжали звонить в полицию. Их заявления принимались полицией, мои - неоднократно отклонялись.
'''Linkedin conversation excerpts with Eric Corrington, former IT Manager''' :
...I didn't make as big of a contribution as I wanted [at Nightingale], but that's also par for the course at Nightingale - no one ever makes as big of an impact without giving up a bit of their soul in exchange. I'm glad to have made it out intact, and I'm glad you're gone, also. You seem like someone who has a better head on his shoulders than someone who goes all in with Nightingale.
16 декабря ко мне обратился Михаил у двери в коридор. Михаил охраняет дверь, следя за тем, чтобы нелегальный арендатор всегда находился под наблюдением. Я попросил Михаила вернуть мне мои ключи, которые он украл, он отказался и хотел выйти на улицу. Мы поспорили. Он приблизился ко мне, и, испугавшись, я брызнул в него перцовым баллончиком. Он закричал, и из комнаты вышла Татьяна, и я брызнул и в нее. Татьяна и Миша подали ложное заявление в полицию. В  заявлении казано, что я ударил Мишу палкой в живот.
Вечером 16 декабря со мной связалась другая тележурналистка Кристина +7 985 164-30-35 по поводу звонка в полицию моей квартирной хозяйки ТАТЬЯНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА Г. До «ДОК ТОК»
...If Mikhail harbored any bad feelings about my leaving, as the master of disinformation he should be willing to let that go, as he's moving forward in the direction he wants to take the school. But I also know that he's Russian and has a long memory (I sat in the WOR meetings for long enough to know how he deals with people).
=== Страница5 - Незаконная видеозапись Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна.  незаконно обнародованная ===
[[File:aaron nelson nightingale polo shirt.png|401px|thumb| Aaron Nelson's Linkedin profile picture (December 1, 2021) with a Nightingale polo shirt. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronnelson2/ ]]
[[File:Tatiana channel 1 dok tok tatiana oktoberskaaya ПЕРЕВОД (RUSSIAN)-5.png|400px]]
Незаконная видеозапись Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна. незаконно обнародованная
:''See also [[Aaron Nelson]].''
<!-- Illegal video recording by Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна. illegally made public -->
== Письмо директору Первого канала доставлено в штаб с протоколом полиции и распиской ==
...'''Aaron Nelson''' received a huge list of dirty things Nightingale has done in the past from someone else who was fired from Nightingale, and he is just sitting on it in case they ever try to tarnish his name. I've tried to let things lie where they are with Nightingale, but it seems to be coming back to haunt me like a ghost.
Letter to the First Channel Director delivered to the headquarters, which included the police report and the police receipt
...Mikhail has some really high-powered lawyers on retainer... <nowiki>[</nowiki>[https://www.idahojustice.com/meet-team/boyd-j-hawkins/ Boyd J. Hawkins - Mauk, Miller, Hawkins PLLC]<nowiki>]</nowiki> be careful. It's stalled because they're stalling it...I'd dig further into Mikhail's past and his employment with another for-profit school that went under in California [Heald College]. Feel free to connect with '''Aaron Nelson''' on LinkedIn - use my name in the invitation. I'll reach out to him, too.
[[File:Letter to the director of doktok.png|400px]]
==Wikipedia article on Nightingale College - March 2021 ==
:''See: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nightingale_College&oldid=1011839282''  :
== незаконное видео ==
{{Short description|Nursing college in Utah, United States}}
езаконная видеозапись, снятая Григорьевой Татьяной Владимировной. Незаконно отредактировано и опубликовано {{o}}
{{Multiple issues|
{{Advert|date=March 2021}}
{{COI|date=March 2021}}
{{Primary sources|date=March 2021}}
ГК РФ Статья 152.1. Охрана изображения гражданина (введена Федеральным законом от 18.12 2006 N 231-ФЗ) 1. Обнародование и дальнейшее использование изображения гражданина (в том числе его фотографии, а также видеозаписи, допускаются только с согласия этого гражданина
{{Infobox university| website          = {{URL|nightingale.edu}}
|  name          = Nightingale College
|  image          =  <nowiki>Nightingale College Utah Logo.png</nowiki> 
|  image_size    =  <nowiki>300px</nowiki>
|  motto          = ''Confidence, Competence, Compassion''
| established      =  2010<ref name="est"/>    <!-- {{start date|2010|MM|DD}} -->
| closed            = <!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|  type          = [[For-profit college|For-profit]]
|  city          = [[Salt Lake City, Utah|Salt Lake City]]
|  state          = [[Utah]]
| country          =  [[USA]]
| faculty        = 212 '''(source?)'''
| embedded          = <!-- or |nrhp= or |module= -->
| alumni            = 1141<ref>  [https://www.linkedin.com/school/nightingale-college/ Nightingale Colleg] from 2010-2021. </ref> 
| founder          = <!-- or |founders= -->
| academic_affiliation = <!-- or |academic_affiliations= -->
| endowment        =
| budget            =
| officer_in_charge =
| chairman          =
| chairperson      =
| chancellor        =
|  president      = [[Mikhail Shneyder]]<ref name="s">[https://nightingale.edu/officers-management-faculty-and-staff/  Officers, Management, Faculty, And Staff</ref>
| vice-president    = [[Jonathan Tanner]]<ref name= "s"/>
| superintendent    =
| vice_chancellor  =
| provost          = [[Jeffrey Olsen]]<ref name="s"/>
| rector            =
| principal        =
| director          =  [[Audrey Auer]] Director, Nursing Education Services<ref name="s"/>
| students          = <!-- or |enrollment= -->
| undergrad        =
| postgrad          =
| doctoral          =
| other_students    = <!-- or |other= -->
| address          = <!-- Please discuss before using -->
| postalcode        = <!-- or |zipcode= or |postcode= -->
| coordinates      = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LON|type:edu|display=inline,title}} -->
| campus            =
| language          = English
Федеральный закон от 27.07.2006 N 152-ФЗ (ред от 08.12.2020) "О персональных данных" (с изм. и доп., вступ. в силу с 29.12.2020) Статья 11. Биометрические персональные данные (в ред. Федерального закона от 25.07.2011 N 261-ФЗ)
1. Сведения, которые характеризуют физиологические и биологические особенности человека, на основании которых можно установить его личность (биометрические персональные данные) и которые используются оператором для установления личности субъекта персональных данных, могут обрабатываться только при наличии согласия в письменной форме субъекта персональных данных.  
'''Nightingale College''' is a [[For-profit higher education in the United States|for-profit college]], headquartered in [[Salt Lake City, Utah]].  The college offers four nursing programs, the [[Associate of Science in Nursing]], the [[Bachelor of Science in Nursing]], the Registered nurse-to-BSN Program, and the  Master of Science in Nursing Education Program. As of 2021, the college has satellite locations in 12 states.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://nightingale.edu/enrollment-areas/|title=Enrollment Areas|website=Nightingale College|language=en-US|access-date=2021-03-14|quote=Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Nevada, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wyoming}}</ref><ref name="alaska">{{Cite news|author=Robin Thompson|date=Apr 2020|url=https://www.anchoragepress.com/news/nightingale-nursing-college-lands-in-alaska/article_e20f8856-78f7-11ea-81cd-e700a83377f6.html|title=Nightingale Nursing College lands in Alaska|quote=Utah-based institution still on target to make Anchorage its 18th market in May|journal=[[Anchorage Press]]}}</ref>  In the first 10 years of operations, more than 1000 student graduated.<ref name="grad">{{Cite news|journal=[[KUTV]]|url=https://kutv.com/news/local/nightingale-colleges-online-simulations-allowed-nursing-students-to-continue-education|title=Nightingale College's online simulations allowed nursing students to continue education
|date=2020-06-17|access-date=2021-03-14}}</ref>  The College has consented to no longer admitting students into its associate degree program.{{why|date=June 2020}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
Nightingale voluntarily withdrew and lost their [[Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing]] (ACEN) accreditation on March 15, 2021.<ref name="acen">[https://nightingale.edu/accreditation-and-approvals/  Accreditation and Approvals]</ref><ref>[https://www.acenursing.org/voluntary-withdrawal/  Voluntary Withdrawal From ACEN Accreditation]</ref>
|+ {{e}}
Illegal video recording by Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна. Illegally edited and made public by  {{o}}
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 152.1. Protection of the citizen's image (introduced by the Federal Law of 18.12.2006 N231-FZ) 1. Publication and further use of the citizen’s image (including his photographs, as well as video recordings, are allowed only with the consent of this citizen)
Nightingale College was formed in 2010, and was originally "training students while seeking accreditation".  In its 10 year history, the college has graduated 1141 people.<ref name="est">Brian Maffly,[http://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=55050490&itype=CMSID Utah puts nursing programs on notice over tests], [[Salt Lake Tribune]],  (October 20, 2012).</ref> <ref name="grad">[https://www.linkedin.com/school/nightingale-college/ Nightingale Colleg] from 2010-2021. </ref>
Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ (as amended on December 8, 2020) "On Personal Data" (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on December 29, 2020) Article 11. Biometric personal data (as amended by Federal Law of 25.07.2011 N 261-FZ)
In April 2011, the college began offering the Associate of Science in Nursing (ADN) Program. The following year, the college was acquired by Nightingale College, LLC, a private Delaware [[limited liability company]] that was formed by [[Palm Ventures, LLC.]], a private-equity firm.<ref>[http://www.palmventures.com/work/ Palm Ventures, LLC].</ref>
1. Information that characterizes the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, on the basis of which it is possible to establish his identity (biometric personal data) and which is used by the operator to establish the identity of the subject of personal data, can be processed only with the consent in writing of the subject of personal data.
; ==Expansion==
Nightingale has 18 "cohorts" in 18 different "markets" (states). It is rapidly expanding through out the United States.<ref name="alaska"/>
==   ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА  объясняет истинные намерения Первого канала ==
In 2020, Nightingale Nursing College started its first program in Alaska.<ref name="alaska">[https://www.anchoragepress.com/news/nightingale-nursing-college-lands-in-alaska/article_e20f8856-78f7-11ea-81cd-e700a83377f6.html   Nightingale Nursing College lands in Alaska]. Nightingale College, a nationally accredited nursing education institution, will be leading its first Alaskan cohort starting May 2020.</ref>
ЕВГЕНИЯ ЯКОВЛЕВНА  explains the real intention of First Channel
[[File:Evgina calls me an idiot says channel 1 sill throw me out (3).jpeg|200px]]
; == Criticism ==
; ===Defamation case against a whistleblower===
[[File:Evgina calls me an idiot says channel 1 sill throw me out (1).jpeg|200px]]
In 2020 Nightingale Nursing College filed suit in Utah against a [[whistleblower]] who had created a website against Nightingale claiming defamation.<ref>Nightingale v. Bailey; Case No.: 200904684.  First District of Utah. Nightingale was represented by Mauk Miller & Hawkins, PLLC.</ref>  A second case was filed in Federal Court on February 19, 2021. <reF>February 19, 2021. [https://dockets.justia.com/docket/utah/utdce/2:2021cv00099/124082 Nightingale College v. Bailey]. [[Justia]]. </ref>
Идиот! Они тебя депортируют или в больницу сдадут. Первому каналу нужно показать какой американец-идиот, уехал от "американской мечты" и живёт как бомж в советской коммуналке. Они тебя хотят выставить на посмешище. Ты им не нужен, ты им не интересен, им надо только показать какие американцы тупые.
; === Current president's last college was closed by the US Department of Education ===
Поэтому я тебе говорю, что лучше уехать раньше, потому что агенты с первого канала будут тебя караулить и преследовать. Тебе надо сейчас потеряться и затаится, чтобы никто не знал где ты находишься.
The current Nightingale President is [[Mikhail Shneyder]].<ref> (October 29, 2013), [http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/play/4557004/nightingale_college  ABC 4 news interviews nightingale’s CEO Mikhail Schneider, nursing college Utah], ABC.</ref><ref>[https://www.good4utah.com/good-things-utah/gtu-featured-guest/becoming-a-nurse/201822044 Becoming a Nurse], ABC.</ref><ref name="DOPL">(April 5, 2012), [https://dopl.utah.gov/licensing/minutes/2012/nurse_education_%202012-04-05.pdf Minutes Utah Education Committee Board of Nursing].</ref><ref>(November 6, 2014), [http://studio5.ksl.com/index.php?nid=124&sid=32232659 Studio 5 with Brooke Walker],  NBC.</ref><ref>[https://www.nurses.com/doc/nightingale-college-offers-nursing-education-program-0001 Nightingale College Offers New Nursing Education Program]</ref> 
Они от тебя не отстану, к сожалению
From 2009 to approximately 2012, Mikhail Shneyder worked at California's Heald College as the Vice President.  Due to findings by the Department of Education of misrepresented job placement rates at certain programs of Heald College from July 2010–2015, the department made students eligible to have their debts canceled.  Because of a lawsuit alleging that "Heald College...misrepresented job placement rates for certain programs".<ref>[https://blog.ed.gov/2016/07/apply-student-loan-forgiveness-attended-heald-college/ How to Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness if You Attended Heald College], United States Department of Education.</ref>  Heald College was shut down on April 27, 2015.<ref name="Chron"> Jill Tucker [https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Corinthian-Colleges-shuts-down-in-S-F-and-6225068.php  Corinthian, Heald colleges shut down abruptly], San Francisco Chronicle.  April 26, 2015.</ref><!--   
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ {{e}}
[19.12, 17:30] Eugene: Idiot! They'll deport you or take you to the hospital. The first channel needs to show which idiot American left the "American dream" and lives like a homeless man in a Soviet communal apartment. They want to make you laugh. They don't need you, they're not interested in you, they just need to show what kind of Americans are stupid.
[19.12, 17:35] Eugene: Therefore, I tell you that it is better to leave earlier, because the agents from the first channel will guard and prosecute you. You need to get lost right now and hang out so no one knows where you are.
--><ref>[https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/about/announcements/corinthian#heald Information About Debt Relief for Corinthian Colleges Students]</ref><ref>[http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Education/Licensing Committee Meeting], State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, (March 10, 2011) - "Heald College Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program, Fresno Campus Representing Heald College were Mikhail Shneyder, RN, is Vice President of Allied Health Programs at Heald College Central Administrative Office"
</ref><ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20171227223650/https://dopl.utah.gov/licensing/minutes/2012/nurse_education_%202012-04-05.pdf Minutes Utah Education Committee Board of Nursing], (April 5, 2012 - in which Shneyder explains he started working at Nightingale in March, 2012).</ref>
[19.12, 17:35] Eugene: They will not leave you, unfortunately
; ==Accreditation==
==Татьяна признается, что Оля пришла на Первый канал и приставала к Трэвису  ==
Although the official Nightingale website aggregates the NCLEX passrate,<ref>[https://nightingale.edu/college-statistics/ College Statistics], Nightingale College.</ref> the [[NCLEX]] first time pass rate is well below national accreditation benchmark of 80%<ref>Joanne Farley Serembus, EdD, RN, CNE, [http://www.journalofnursingregulation.com/article/S2155-8256(16)31002-X/pdf Improving NCLEX First-Time Pass Rates: A Comprehensive Program Approach], DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2155-8256(16)31002-X (January 4, 2016). "...the current benchmark for the. NCLEX-RN® and NCLEX-PN® examinations is an average first- time pass rate of 80% over the most recent 3 years."</ref> at 48.65% for the second quarter of 2017 and 54.5% for the first quarter of 2017.<ref>[https://dopl.utah.gov/licensing/forms/nurse_NCLEX_pass_rates_RN.pdf Utah State Board of Nursing Registered Nursing Programs NCLEX-RN Licensure Examination Results] (PDF), Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.</ref>  UPDATE: 3d Quarter 2019 = 46.34%, 2d Quarter 2019 = 50%, 1st Quarter 2019 = 63.38%, and overall 2018 = 53.01% [https://dopl.utah.gov/nurse/rn_pass_rates_2018.pdf]. 
Tatiana admits that First Channel Olya came and harassed Travis
[[File:Tatiana admits that Olya came to traviss door to harrass him.png|400px]]
Также вопрос: находитесь ли вы в настоящий момент в коммуникации с телевидением по поводу съёмок сюжета, затрагивающего жизнь моего доверителя?
Нет, не нахожусь в настоящий момент в коммуникации с телевидением, и я их не вызывала.
Это они сами ко мне приехали,  и хотели с ним поговорить и предлагали ему квартиру и деньги,  лишь бы он рассказал о своих политических Взглядах!!!
А он не открыл им дверь!!!
Деньги он должен был давно перевести,  если у него есть Совесть и осознание своих Поступков!!!
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ {{e}}
No, I am not currently in communication with television, and I did not call them.
They themselves came to me, and wanted to talk to him and offered him an apartment and money, if only he would tell about his political views !!!
But he didn't open the door for them !!!
He should have transferred money long ago, if he has a Conscience and awareness of his Actions !!!
==Меньшикова Татьяна Леонидовна соседки по комнате==
; ===Other accreditations===
[[File:dok-tok tatiana roomates and neighbors dok-tok.png|400px]]
The school holds institutional accreditation or is approved by:
*  [[Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools]] (ABHES),<ref>[http://ams.abhes.org/ams/onlineDirectory/pages/directory.aspx ABHES Directory of Accredited Institutions]</ref>
* Utah State Board of Nursing.<ref>[http://www.dopl.utah.gov/licensing/forms/nurse_approved_programs.pdf List of Approved Nursing Programs (Utah only)]</ref>
* Nightingale College's BDN and RN-to-BSN programs are accredited by the [https://directory.ccnecommunity.org/reports/accprog.asp Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education]<ref>[https://directory.ccnecommunity.org/reports/accprog.asp Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education]</ref> (CCNE).
* [[Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education]].<ref name="street cred">[https://nightingale.edu/accreditation-and-approvals/ accreditation and approvals]</ref>
* [[National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation]] (NLN CNEA).<ref name="street cred"/><ref>[https://cnea.nln.org/ National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA)] official page.</ref>
человек пьян.
* [[Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities]].<ref name="street cred"/>
127018, Москва г., ул Сущёвский Вал, д. 22, кв 32
Unlike other more established nursing colleges in the region, Nightingale College is not regionally accredited.<ref>[http://www.nwccu.org/member-institutions/directory Member Institutions -Directory], [[Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities]] (NWCCU).</ref>
<youtube> WlG8SMLC-jA</youtube>
;===Former accreditation===
Nightingale voluntarily withdrew and lost their ACEN accreditation on March 15, 2021.<ref name="acen">[https://nightingale.edu/accreditation-and-approvals/  Accreditation and Approvals]</ref><ref>[https://www.acenursing.org/voluntary-withdrawal/  Voluntary Withdrawal From ACEN Accreditation]</ref><ref>[http://acenursing.org ACEN]</ref> Inc (ACEN), formerly [[National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission]], Inc. (NLNAC). But it has since been lost.<ref>[https://nightingale.edu/accreditation-and-approvals/  Accreditation and Approvals]</ref> 
File:Tanya_channel_1_WhatsApp_Image_2020-12-22_at_3.09.59_AM.jpeg| Tanya
File:Tanya_channel_1_WhatsApp_Image_2020-12-23_at_2.16.12_PM.jpeg| Tanya
File:Tatiana with husband summer 2020.jpeg| Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна с мужем
In the Spring 2016, the official status with ACEN was "Affirm Continuing Accreditation, Change Status to Continuing Accreditation with Warning", which is explained as a "Continuing Accreditation with Warning: A measure imposed by the ACEN Board of Commissioners following the determination of non-compliance with three (3) or more Accreditation Standards. Next review and follow-up action(s) are determined by the Board of Commissioners."<ref>[http://www.acenursing.org/acen-commission-actions-spring-2016-accreditation-cycle/ Notification of Commission Action Spring 2016 Accreditation Cycle], [[National League for Nursing#Accrediting Commission|ACEN]].</ref>
===Tatiana on Facebook===
In September 2019, Nightingale College had a "Continuing Accreditation for Good Cause", which ACEN defines as the "nursing program has not remedied deficiencies at the conclusion of its maximum monitoring period". ACEN found that "There is a lack of evidence that the expected level of achievement for first-time test-takers during the same 12-month period on the licensure examination has been met."<ref>[https://www.acenursing.org/commission-actions/commission-actions-september-2019/ Notification of Commission Actions Spring 2019 Accreditation Cycle]</ref>
===Fatima on Facebook===
File:12647493_1194562177238332_3749524922491390987_n.jpg| Fatima's mother: https://www.facebook.com/sophia.glazunova
==== Fatima's mother ====
[[File:sophia glazunova fatiima mangusheva mother.png|400px]]
The low NCLEX pass rate was one of three failed standards that put Nightingale on continuing accreditation with warning with ACEN.<ref>[http://www.acenursing.org/acen-commission-actions-spring-2016-accreditation-cycle/ Notification of Commission Action Spring 2016 Accreditation Cycle], The program’s three-year mean for the licensure examination pass rate has not been at or above the national mean for the same three-year period.</ref>
* https://vk.com/doc_talk
== Hosts of the show==
;==See also==
=== Ксения Анатольевна Собчак ===
Instagram (commercial) :  
* [[For-profit higher education in the United States#Government scrutiny, criminal and civil investigations | For-profit higher education in the United States]]
* [[Post University]] in [[Waterbury, Connecticut]] - A second for profit college also owned by [[Palm Ventures, LLC]].<ref name="pv"/>
* [[Heald College]]
* [[Stevens–Henager College]]
Assistant: +7-903-722-97-45 Lena
; ==External links==
*Skype: ks.assistant
Commercial hole: +7-963-781-8919 Kirill
* [http://nightingale.edu/ Official website]
DokTok: redaktura.doctok@gmail.com
Instagram (personal) :
{{authority control}}
[[Category:Nursing schools in Utah]]
[[Category:2010 establishments in Utah]]
[[Category:Educational institutions established in 2010]]
[[Category:Private universities and colleges in Utah]]
[[Category:For-profit schools in the United States]]
== Смотрите также  ==
;See also
* https://DOKTOK.win
* https://stanislavzalnzhsky.com
* https://tatianagrigorieva.com
== Where to file a complaint against Nightingale Nursing College ==
* https://alexanderulyutinov.com  - Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна, брат Александр Владимирович Улютинов, бьет меня по лицу. Он дважды пытается сломать мой телефон с камерой. 10 января 2021 года. 16 января 2021 года он сбегает от приехавшей полиции. Коррумпированная полиция ничего не делает. - Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна brother  Александр Владимирович Улютинов hits me in the face.  He tries to break my camera phone twice. January 10, 2021. He runs away from the arriving police on January 16,, 2021.  The corrupt police do nothing.
[[File a Complaint Against Nightingale Nursing College]]
==New videos ==
Звонок Тане на «канал первый» - Таня пригрозила моей учительнице русского депортацией.

Revision as of 08:39, 28 July 2021

After years of fighting, Nightingale voluntarily withdrew and lost their Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accreditation on March 15, 2021. https://www.acenursing.org/voluntary-withdrawal
Mikhail Shneyder, CEO of Nightingale Nursing College former vice president of a College in California which was shut down by the US federal government.

Nightingale Nursing College in Salt Lake City, Utah public image is a noble one. It is a progressive dynamic Nursing college which gives poor and underprivileged rural students the opportunity to become nurses. But the truth is that, in the words of the former IT director Sean Millard, Nightingale College is an "slush fund" that rips off their own students they claim they are trying to protect. As Suzette Scheuermann, Sean Millard and Travis Bailey explains, Nightingale College repeatedly lie to regulatory bodies such as ACEN and ABHES that are created to protect nursing students and the public at large. Nightingale College's CEO is Mikhail Shneyder, a Russian (Belorussian) who was vice president of a College in California which was shut down by the federal government. There is currently an ongoing two year investigation with Washington State Nursing Accreditors about these allegations.<ref>Washington Department of Health sent an official acknowledgement letter on August 31, 2020 “I see that they applied for a license as a training school in 2018. Our database says that initial application is "pending". No update in our records since then.”</ref>

According to past and current employees, Nightingale would have lost their ABHES licensing if they didn't have their lawyers sue.

Nightingale Nursing College illegally defrauding students

SEAN MILLARD.jpg Selfie nightingale college 20180206 113529.jpg


"So, you are telling me that they were actually charging for students that were not in the school, the full amount.

SEAN MILLARD (Former IT director):

"The full amount, yeah"

"Yeah, the full amount"

"So, if you were a student and you signed up, you paid the full amount and they used it through the student loan program and the way it looked, they had a huge slush fund and that’s the way they made it sound, so they never run out of money. Because sixty students, yeah, and that’s the way they put it and more. We have to have x amount of people signed up every semester.


There were testing centers that would allow other people’s companies to come in and do tests on these computers for their company but no other companies come in do to test on those machines...it was government type funding. If you are a testing centre, you can get grants…. You can get tax credits, you can get tax cuts and grants.

Whistle-blower? Here is what you can do to expose Nightingale College
  • Report your Nightingale Nursing College Complaints to Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). See below.

Mikhail Shneyder: Former college closed by Federal Government

The United States Department of Education closed down the former college where Mikhail Shneyder worked.

From 2009 to approximately 2012, Mikhail Shneyder worked at California's Heald College as the Vice President. Due to findings by the Department of Education of misrepresented job placement rates at certain programs of Heald College from July 2010–2015, the department made students eligible to have their debts canceled. Because of a lawsuit alleging that "Heald College...misrepresented job placement rates for certain programs".<ref>How to Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness if You Attended Heald College, United States Department of Education.</ref> Heald College was shut down on April 27, 2015.<ref name=Chron> Jill Tucker Corinthian, Heald colleges shut down abruptly, San Francisco Chronicle. April 26, 2015.</ref>


Federal lawsuit after loss of ACEN accreditation loss on March 15, 2021

Federal lawsuit


Nightingale College v. Bailey

Plaintiff: Nightingale College

Defendant: Travis L. Bailey

Case Number: 2:2021cv00099

Filed: February 19, 2021

Court: US District Court for the District of Utah

Presiding Judge: Jared C Bennett

Nature of Suit: Trademark

Cause of Action: 28:1441

Jury Demanded By: None

RSS RSS Track this Docket

Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on February 19, 2021. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text

February 19, 2021 Filing 2 Report on the Filing of an action sent to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (mh)

February 19, 2021 Filing 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, case number 200904684. ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 4681093452) filed by Travis L. Bailey. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-State Complaint, #2 Exhibit A-Salt Lake Tribune Article, #3 Exhibit B-Email Correspondence, #4 Civil Cover Sheet 1) Assigned to Magistrate Judge Jared C. Bennett (mh)

State lawsuit against whistleblower for defamation from July 2020 to 2021 documents

Civil No. 200904684 - Judge Richard McKelvie - Utah Third District Court

Testimonies of Nightingale's illegal and unethical behavior

Sean Millard: Government Fraud, camera installed in boardroom, Cheating students

Highlights: Spying on ABHES, fraudulent reporting in testing center, cheating students

SEAN MILLARD installed a camera in the Ogden Nightingale Nursing College boardroom for CEO Mr. Mikhail Shneyder. It was a camera that only he had the password for.

In several meetings SEAN MILLARD attended, CEO Mr. Mikhail Shneyder and Kara Harmon, Vice President, Operations and others in the Nightingale leadership discussed how they had fraudulently reported to government officials that companies had come into the testing center when no companies actually used the facilities. This was done to receive government grants and tax credits.

Nerima Pasic, Director of Academic Services explained to SEAN MILLARD that Nightingale College required students sign a two year contract. If the students dropped out of college after the first semester, Nightingale College would continue to charge the students tuition for the full two years. Employees were required to meet quotas to sign up new students who would sign the contract.

In response to the question about Sean's statement about Nerima, Russ Fuller wrote:

Yes, if a student does not have enough Title IV aid from the government then Nightingale gives them the option to go on a payment plan. They can take courses and they make payments after they graduate or drop like it is a student loan. However, unlike Title IV loans, this payment plan can be discharged in bankruptcy. This is what I was referring to as the “bad debt” on their books in the previous email. They have been forced to take on students of lower and lower quality in order to meet numbers, and have been more reliant upon this as a source of revenue. If this revenue stream dries up I suspect that they will get into trouble very quickly.

Nightingale lawsuit against nursing accreditor ABHES

ABHES accused Nightingale College and Mikhail Shneyder of spying on them. A long legal battle ensued in which ABHES was forced to give Nightingale College accreditation.<ref>Nightingale lawsuit against nursing accreditor ABHES: This lawsuit and the dispute with ABHES is private and not public. In a snippet of a recorded call, Nursing area director Linda Flynn confirms knowledge of the ABHES lawsuit: Linda Flynn Call- recalls Mikhail Shneyder accused of recording ABHES</ref> Sean Miller, who installed a secret camera in the conference room where ABHES met, never testified in the litigation. Nightingale employees now say as a result of this litigation ABHES "hates" Mikhail Shneyder.


Suzette Scheuermann: Concealing information from nursing accreditors

Relevant excerpts: Mikhail Shneyder asked Suzette Scheuermann to lie to ACEN.
Suzette Scheuermann

Suzette: Then [Linda] could not do the work anymore from Wyoming and so I offered to step up and work in the role and I worked in the role for four months until you know Mikhail and I had an argument over submitting substantial changed paperwork and I said you know “I am not going to do anything with that, I shall report to the creditors the truth not what you think is the truth and so on”.

Suzette: Yeah, they did not want to record that move. I mean the funny thing is that they did not want me to even tell [ACEN] that [Nightingale was] moving.

Travis: To Salt Lake, Seriously.

Suzette: Yeah, see that is the argument that I had with Mikhail, he said to me that I should retract my report to, you know, to ACEN about us moving to Salt Lake and opening up future studies for the students and you know I was like if you are going to do this let us just tell them we are going to do it and he wanted me to retract my report and I said you know “I do not do that”, I do not take steps back, I tell things the way they are and then we move on from there and so it is hilarious that they are in Salt Lake now.


Suzette Scheuermann contact information

Suzette Scheuermann's former webpage
256 Sugarberry Lane
Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071
Phone/Texts 502-396-3148
Mobile Office: https://zoom.us/j/5025440031
Email: suzettescheuermann@hotmail.com

Stacey Youlios Hornsby: Unethical pay practices

Nightingale Stavey Youlios Hornsby.jpg

Facebook post, December 2018:

Travis Bailey:
hello ms hornsby, did you used to work at nightingale college? i did too
Stavey Youlios Hornsby:
Yes way back when they opened. Only there about 9 mo. I read your stuff on them on fb. I left because of unethical pay practices

Travis Bailey, Esq.: Spying on ACEN Nursing accreditor

"I started working at Nightingale on August 7,2017.

On September 25,2017 Belorussian Nightingale College CEO Mikhail Shneyder approached me at my desk and ask me to send an email to all of the Nightingale staff to write down what they remember from the ACEN interview. He told me to write down everything I heard in the meeting. Even though I was new, I felt this was a little too extreme, as my director, Susan Jero had told me that the ACEN conferences were confidential and the directors were not supposed to know what happened in these meetings. I suggested just emailing the directors only. I sent the email (attached). Kara D McDonald-Harmon, the Budgeting director, emailed me and asked what I was doing. (attached). I Skyped her back what Mikhail asked me to do, Kara responded (attached).

Naive about what was going on, during the first meeting Elia Miller, the HR director noticed that I was recording the session. She told Curtis Hurley, the IT specialist at Executech. I immediately stopped the recording.

I sat in all of the sessions for the ACEN meetings under the guise of technical support, meticulously taken notes from students and faculty about what they thought of the program. Unaware that Mikhail had asked me to do this, KayDee Weise and Susan Jero pulled me aside" then approved it and let me return into the room.

I compiled all of the leaders responses, and attached all of these questions and answers into one Word document (attached) I sent them to the three directors: Susan Jero, Mikhail Shneyder, and Jonathan Tanner. Susan responded that Jonathan doesn't need it, and that Mikhail wants it for "future accreditation visits" (attached).


Curtis Hurley, the IT specialist at Executech, lied and told one of the accreditors that it was his initiative to record the sessions and apologized. He told me he did this to "shield the school". I then learned that ABHES had accused Russian Nightingale College CEO Mikhail Shneyder of recording the accreditation meetings.

I went directly to my direct supervisor, Susan Jero, and complained about this issue several times. I was terminated on Friday, February 9 for continually bringing up the issue."


ACEN September 2017 visit

Eric Corrington: Nightingale is corrupt and has access to files showing this

Full conversation with Eric Corrington - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericcorrington

Linkedin conversation excerpts with Eric Corrington, former IT Manager :

...I didn't make as big of a contribution as I wanted [at Nightingale], but that's also par for the course at Nightingale - no one ever makes as big of an impact without giving up a bit of their soul in exchange. I'm glad to have made it out intact, and I'm glad you're gone, also. You seem like someone who has a better head on his shoulders than someone who goes all in with Nightingale.

...If Mikhail harbored any bad feelings about my leaving, as the master of disinformation he should be willing to let that go, as he's moving forward in the direction he wants to take the school. But I also know that he's Russian and has a long memory (I sat in the WOR meetings for long enough to know how he deals with people).

Aaron Nelson's Linkedin profile picture (December 1, 2021) with a Nightingale polo shirt. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronnelson2/

See also Aaron Nelson.

...Aaron Nelson received a huge list of dirty things Nightingale has done in the past from someone else who was fired from Nightingale, and he is just sitting on it in case they ever try to tarnish his name. I've tried to let things lie where they are with Nightingale, but it seems to be coming back to haunt me like a ghost.

...Mikhail has some really high-powered lawyers on retainer... [Boyd J. Hawkins - Mauk, Miller, Hawkins PLLC] be careful. It's stalled because they're stalling it...I'd dig further into Mikhail's past and his employment with another for-profit school that went under in California [Heald College]. Feel free to connect with Aaron Nelson on LinkedIn - use my name in the invitation. I'll reach out to him, too.

Wikipedia article on Nightingale College - March 2021

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nightingale_College&oldid=1011839282  :

Template:Short description Template:Multiple issues

Template:Infobox university

Nightingale College is a for-profit college, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. The college offers four nursing programs, the Associate of Science in Nursing, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the Registered nurse-to-BSN Program, and the Master of Science in Nursing Education Program. As of 2021, the college has satellite locations in 12 states.<ref>Template:Cite web</ref><ref name="alaska">Template:Cite news</ref> In the first 10 years of operations, more than 1000 student graduated.<ref name="grad">Template:Cite news</ref> The College has consented to no longer admitting students into its associate degree program.Template:Why

Nightingale voluntarily withdrew and lost their Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accreditation on March 15, 2021.<ref name="acen">Accreditation and Approvals</ref><ref>Voluntary Withdrawal From ACEN Accreditation</ref>


Nightingale College was formed in 2010, and was originally "training students while seeking accreditation". In its 10 year history, the college has graduated 1141 people.<ref name="est">Brian Maffly,Utah puts nursing programs on notice over tests, Salt Lake Tribune, (October 20, 2012).</ref> <ref name="grad">Nightingale Colleg from 2010-2021. </ref>

In April 2011, the college began offering the Associate of Science in Nursing (ADN) Program. The following year, the college was acquired by Nightingale College, LLC, a private Delaware limited liability company that was formed by Palm Ventures, LLC., a private-equity firm.<ref>Palm Ventures, LLC.</ref>


Nightingale has 18 "cohorts" in 18 different "markets" (states). It is rapidly expanding through out the United States.<ref name="alaska"/>

In 2020, Nightingale Nursing College started its first program in Alaska.<ref name="alaska">Nightingale Nursing College lands in Alaska. Nightingale College, a nationally accredited nursing education institution, will be leading its first Alaskan cohort starting May 2020.</ref>

== Criticism ==
===Defamation case against a whistleblower===

In 2020 Nightingale Nursing College filed suit in Utah against a whistleblower who had created a website against Nightingale claiming defamation.<ref>Nightingale v. Bailey; Case No.: 200904684. First District of Utah. Nightingale was represented by Mauk Miller & Hawkins, PLLC.</ref> A second case was filed in Federal Court on February 19, 2021. <reF>February 19, 2021. Nightingale College v. Bailey. Justia. </ref>

=== Current president's last college was closed by the US Department of Education ===

The current Nightingale President is Mikhail Shneyder.<ref> (October 29, 2013), ABC 4 news interviews nightingale’s CEO Mikhail Schneider, nursing college Utah, ABC.</ref><ref>Becoming a Nurse, ABC.</ref><ref name="DOPL">(April 5, 2012), Minutes Utah Education Committee Board of Nursing.</ref><ref>(November 6, 2014), Studio 5 with Brooke Walker, NBC.</ref><ref>Nightingale College Offers New Nursing Education Program</ref>

From 2009 to approximately 2012, Mikhail Shneyder worked at California's Heald College as the Vice President. Due to findings by the Department of Education of misrepresented job placement rates at certain programs of Heald College from July 2010–2015, the department made students eligible to have their debts canceled. Because of a lawsuit alleging that "Heald College...misrepresented job placement rates for certain programs".<ref>How to Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness if You Attended Heald College, United States Department of Education.</ref> Heald College was shut down on April 27, 2015.<ref name="Chron"> Jill Tucker Corinthian, Heald colleges shut down abruptly, San Francisco Chronicle. April 26, 2015.</ref><ref>Information About Debt Relief for Corinthian Colleges Students</ref><ref>Education/Licensing Committee Meeting, State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, (March 10, 2011) - "Heald College Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program, Fresno Campus Representing Heald College were Mikhail Shneyder, RN, is Vice President of Allied Health Programs at Heald College Central Administrative Office" </ref><ref>Minutes Utah Education Committee Board of Nursing, (April 5, 2012 - in which Shneyder explains he started working at Nightingale in March, 2012).</ref>


Although the official Nightingale website aggregates the NCLEX passrate,<ref>College Statistics, Nightingale College.</ref> the NCLEX first time pass rate is well below national accreditation benchmark of 80%<ref>Joanne Farley Serembus, EdD, RN, CNE, Improving NCLEX First-Time Pass Rates: A Comprehensive Program Approach, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2155-8256(16)31002-X (January 4, 2016). "...the current benchmark for the. NCLEX-RN® and NCLEX-PN® examinations is an average first- time pass rate of 80% over the most recent 3 years."</ref> at 48.65% for the second quarter of 2017 and 54.5% for the first quarter of 2017.<ref>Utah State Board of Nursing Registered Nursing Programs NCLEX-RN Licensure Examination Results (PDF), Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.</ref> UPDATE: 3d Quarter 2019 = 46.34%, 2d Quarter 2019 = 50%, 1st Quarter 2019 = 63.38%, and overall 2018 = 53.01% [1].

===Other accreditations===

The school holds institutional accreditation or is approved by:

Unlike other more established nursing colleges in the region, Nightingale College is not regionally accredited.<ref>Member Institutions -Directory, Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).</ref>

===Former accreditation===

Nightingale voluntarily withdrew and lost their ACEN accreditation on March 15, 2021.<ref name="acen">Accreditation and Approvals</ref><ref>Voluntary Withdrawal From ACEN Accreditation</ref><ref>ACEN</ref> Inc (ACEN), formerly National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. (NLNAC). But it has since been lost.<ref>Accreditation and Approvals</ref>

In the Spring 2016, the official status with ACEN was "Affirm Continuing Accreditation, Change Status to Continuing Accreditation with Warning", which is explained as a "Continuing Accreditation with Warning: A measure imposed by the ACEN Board of Commissioners following the determination of non-compliance with three (3) or more Accreditation Standards. Next review and follow-up action(s) are determined by the Board of Commissioners."<ref>Notification of Commission Action Spring 2016 Accreditation Cycle, ACEN.</ref>

In September 2019, Nightingale College had a "Continuing Accreditation for Good Cause", which ACEN defines as the "nursing program has not remedied deficiencies at the conclusion of its maximum monitoring period". ACEN found that "There is a lack of evidence that the expected level of achievement for first-time test-takers during the same 12-month period on the licensure examination has been met."<ref>Notification of Commission Actions Spring 2019 Accreditation Cycle</ref>

The low NCLEX pass rate was one of three failed standards that put Nightingale on continuing accreditation with warning with ACEN.<ref>Notification of Commission Action Spring 2016 Accreditation Cycle, The program’s three-year mean for the licensure examination pass rate has not been at or above the national mean for the same three-year period.</ref>

==See also==


==External links==



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File a Complaint Against Nightingale Nursing College

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