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Would you like to work for a company that is facing imminent collapse?


February 13, 2018. Excitement, everything changes all the time - people quit and are fired regularly. Will the school be open at the end of the year? According to the statistician of Nightingale, the school will remain open until around May 2019 - at the latest.

If you enjoy cults, Nightingale is for you. "Flame! Forward!"
Nightingale has all of the characteristics of a cult: Nepotism (the directors son works for the company and does next to nothing), favoritism (the secretary under the CEO reported makes $60,000 a year), "lost boys" (the turnover rate is an astounding 26% a year), and a strict unwritten code of conduct, which is strictly enforced. What is that code of conduct? Cross the female director of Accounting, and be cast out, per the senior secretary of the school at the front desk. Those who toe the line and quickly learn these strict rules are richly rewarded, those who do not are cast out quickly and viciously.

If you enjoy working for a Russian organization, Nightingale is for you. The CEO is Russian. Anyone that is familiar with Russian organizations, as I am having lived in Russia for 3.5 years, know how Russian organizations lurch from crisis to crisis, and the boss is a czar, any deviation from his iron will will certainly be punished subtly, in an extremely passive aggressive way.

The benefits are great and lavish of a private college. But notice how the money for other things is not so great, the amount of supplies is strictly rationed under the guise of "environmentalism" a symptom of a company that is facing difficult financial issues. Money is SO tight at Nightingale. The littlest item is scrutinized. Atypical of Russian organizations, the company just moved into a huge new location, with skyrocketing rental prices, and is expanding rapidly, at the same time ACEN, a major national creditor will have the school assuredly lose accreditation in March 2018.

Questions? After February 28, 2018 Google nightingale college review. Our website should be up by then.


February 13, 2018.
On the brink of collapse, typical of private colleges today, Nightingale college is facing major problems with increasing government scrutiny and problems with accreditation, particularly with ACEN.

Nightingale College has already failed ACEN twice - once in August 2016, and again in January 2016. In March 2016 it is **imminent** that Nightingale College will loose accreditation with the ACEN final board. In addition, some of the same problems with ACEN plagued the accreditation of ABHES, which was only won after a hard fight with the Russian CEO.

Want a degree or work for a defunct college that went out of business in 2018 or 2019? Choose Nightingale Nursing College.

Questions? After February 28, 2018 Google nightingale college review. Our website should be up by then.

Advice to Management

February 13, 2018.
Fire the Russian CEO and put the director of accounting in his place. On Wednesday, February 7, the staff member in charge of fire safety in the building stated that she went to see the CEO and he was bored and annoyed about the fire safety in the Walker Center.
While the key upper management of the Nursing Education Services worries about ACEN accreditation being lost, the Russian CEO is busy "lobbying" in Washington DC instead of strategizing at home how to keep accreditation. Atypical Russian behavior. ***So many people*** have crossed the Russian CEO's or the director of Accounting's path and been summarily fired. The director of Accreditation explained to me how her best friend had a female director rewrite policy in front of her, crossing out sections she was contesting. The Australian on staff explained that at one point, groups of people would walk out. The worry with staff is bad, as it should be. As the director of statistics stated, it is all about appearance - and fleecing the company (legally) for all it is worth, and that the company will only last until May 2019.

Questions? After February 28, 2018 Google nightingale college review. Our website should be up by then.

Describe the Interview Process

Last year - called for interview - person was very friendly, also, like everyone else, very very new, she had only been at the college for 2 months. The turnover rate is endemic - 26% quit or are fired annually.

Interview Questions

Written February 13, 2018.

The interview questions will vary depending on who you are. The Nursing Education Services director is literally a master of manipulation and cunning.

I have watched the NES director scathingly talk about an employee one day in Nursing Management Meeting (one of the male nurses who was in charge of Medication Dosage Practice Exam was fired just before faculty development in December), they be all smiles and publicly embrace that employee the next. If you think you are immune to this deception, that is what I thought. The wrath of God is now upon me, all in the form of passive aggressive "nurse eat their young".

The Nursing Education Services director is a sweet old woman who grew up in the projects in California. I trust her kindness implicitly but underneath that kindness is a fear born from her upbringing. Nightingale is her baby, and she is determined to make it thrive. Typical of for profit colleges, she is the ONLY person to survive the six year chaos that is Nightingale. All the board members, all the staff have been fired or quit out of sheer madness. That deep fear is what will drive any person working for her insane - a fear of losing everything that she has built. She delusionally (but actually deceptively) claims that she is really good at hiring people, the reality is she has made some really terrible employment decisions. The NES director can't be blamed fully, the Russian CEO could very well be described by past employees who have been summarily fired as a "tyrant", the Director of accounting is not to be crossed and rewards loyalty, not performance as shown in her nepotism. They eat anyone who crosses their path for lunch.

The statistician of the organization told me that the Russian CEO and the director of accounting would rather have absolute control of a failing company then have only partial control of a successful company. Nightingale is a failing for profit college whose days are numbered.

Questions? After February 28, 2018 Google nightingale college review. Our website should be up by then.

How did you answer the questions (optional)

Show that you are intelligent but passive and obedient.