Eric Corrington

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Conversation with Eric Corrington, former IT manager at Nightingale Nursing College, Nov 2014 – May 2016

Eric Corrington's Linkedin Information

Travis Bailey 1:21 AM

Hello Eric My name is Travis Bailey Suzzette gave me your name Like you I am a former nightingale employee I would love to take a moment to talk with you. Your name came up several times at nightingale. My number is 435-713-5533

Eric Corrington is now a connection.
APR 17, 2018

Travis Bailey 7:44 PM

Thanks for connecting with me Did you call yesyerday?

Eric Corrington 8:02 PM

Hi, Travis - happy to connect. Your comments make me wonder how Nightingale viewed me whenever my name came up. What was your role at Nightingale? I did not call you - sorry if it looked like I did. I started a new job last week and spent yesterday learning more of the details of what my role is.

APR 19

Travis Bailey 3:28 PM

Congrats ! I started a new job on Monday myself I was directly under sue jero. A coordinator Basically an admin assistant Sue rapidly showed me the darker side of nightingale. Curtis [Your replacement] Elia, Kara, John bouman, Russ, and Kevin smith quickly filled me in on the rest. They didn't know they were hiring an attorney, albeit someone who never formerly practiced. As time went on I told them I was which led to then pushing me out. I spoke with Curtis mosly and others about you the story changed about why you were pushed out but everything they (most curtis) said was negative. Give me a call and I can tell you what they said. You can pick my brain. There are companies that do references on your former jobs You may want to hire them to see what nightingale says about you.

Travis Bailey 3:50 PM

I taught English and practiced law on the side in Moscow russia I intimately understand the dirty tricks and mindset of Russian organizations and bosses.

Eric Corrington 4:19 PM

Hmm...if it's just a Russian thing (which much of what Mikhail does goes back to "it's a Russian thing"), then I'll ignore it as a deviation from the mean. There's nothing worse for me than having former employers bad talk me behind my back, and Nightingale is really good at that. Thanks for sharing. I'd be happy to give you the full story, if you want. But let me keep things straight for you: I left of my own accord; no one pushed me out. I had a safe position, but it was a go-nowhere position in the big picture. The pay and benefits were going nowhere to help my family, and I found a job that met those expectations and needs. So, I left. I saw John Bouwer and a few others on a train ride from downtown Salt Lake at the end of December, and they seemed like they were happy to see me and had pretty much moved on from me. I didn't make as big of a contribution as I wanted, but that's also par for the course at Nightingale - no one ever makes as big of an impact without giving up a bit of their soul in exchange. I'm glad to have made it out intact, and I'm glad you're gone, also. You seem like someone who has a better head on his shoulders than someone who goes all in with Nightingale.

APR 20

Travis Bailey 2:28 AM

I would be interested In your story. I was told repeatedly you were fired You are not the first person who they slandered and .Are absurd stories about

They made absurd stories about*

APR 24

Travis Bailey 4:45 AM

Let me know when you are free to talk this week Eric. I also have Skype at travbailey


Travis Bailey 6:38 PM

happy weekend how is the new job going?


Eric Corrington 6:07 PM

Hi, Travis - weekend went well, and the new job is also going well. Integrating myself into a well-functioning team with a large company like Juniper Networks is a process that I hadn't fully appreciated. I'm free to chat usually in the evenings. But for sharing my story about Nightingale...that might be better in a correspondence. Thoughts?

MAY 18

Travis Bailey 12:54 AM

sorry so long to respond. I am really glad things are going well for you. I just took a well deserved trip to Moscow for 5 days. Correspondence by linkedin is great. :) your welcome to text me by:

Eric Corrington 1:08 AM

Hope you had fun in Moscow. So, was Kevin Smith at Nightingale as the Director of HR? He knows the full story of why I left. I hate to be the one to beat a dead horse, because Nightingale really is in my rear-view mirror, but if people are telling inconsistencies, then it should get straightened out. Also, Ashley Thompson knew why I left. Was she around when you were working?

MAY 19

Travis Bailey 10:58 PM

Yes Both Kevin Smith and Ashley Thompson were there. Ashley quit for two months the came back.

Travis Bailey 11:00 PM

The incorrect details were from elia, who is directly below Kevin and the new IT director, curtis Hurley

Travis Bailey 11:22 PM

And faith too mentioned you

MAY 21

Eric Corrington 6:13 PM

Ashley was really frustrated for a long time at Nightingale; Aaron Nelson and I were contracting at Intermountain Healthcare and worked to get her hired there for those 2 months. But, for whatever reason, she didn't like it and came back to Nightingale. I'm not surprised that Elia would be sharing misinformation about me - she's very close to Kara. But Kevin knows the facts. If Mikhail harbored any bad feelings about my leaving, as the master of disinformation he should be willing to let that go, as he's moving forward in the direction he wants to take the school. But I also know that he's Russian and has a long memory (I sat in the WOR meetings for long enough to know how he deals with people). I'm not really sure at this point if I should continue to correct the record about my leaving the place. It seems like a pointless endeavor, but it's also seeming like I should do something. What do you think?

Travis Bailey 6:48 PM

That is awesome that you helped ashley. I never talked to Mikhail, but I learned how he operated indirectly, russian has a word "hetri" which is cunning and dirty. That is the way Mikhail, and Russians operate business. Re: elia and kara There is no alliances or counter alliances Eric, there is a dirty organization. I know from my time in Russia to see the entire body, the entire business, for the dirty organization it is. That is hard because their are good people in the organization like Ashley , but really when push comes to shove, these people will fight to keep their job, which means any member will turn on someone who attempts to disrupt the money and benefits going into their pockets. My question to you Eric is how loyal are those people to you who are still in nightingale? To your face they say they are your friend but what do they say at wor about you. Your thinking like an American, where people are honest in their dealings and treat people honestly, when to understand nightingale you have to think like a Russian: hetri. Ashley sounds like a good person, a genuinely decent person, so she is nothing more than a pawn in the organization. I don't know if I told you this before but Elia said that you stole information and were fired for this. Curtis Harley said you were fired for going into the records and discussing what everyone was paid openly. I was pushed out for exposing nightingale to acen, and arguing that what nighitnglae did was wrong and immoral. I am interested in your thoughts and what they did to you. It helps me move past my termination. It makes me feel less of a bad guy and more like I was doing the right thing.

Eric Corrington 7:03 PM

[Redacted because of information about former employee]

The ethics of that really depend on the organization - I'm never one for stealing anything, so I really tried to stay away from it - but Mikhail and Kara took offense to it and fired him. I know that there's a lot of dirty stuff going on - Aaron Nelson received a huge list of dirty things Nightingale has done in the past from someone else who was fired from Nightingale, and he is just sitting on it in case they ever try to tarnish his name. I've tried to let things lie where they are with Nightingale, but it seems to be coming back to haunt me like a ghost.

Travis Bailey 7:25 PM

Sorry I didn't know names. I didn't know it [wasn't] you.

Travis Bailey 7:28 PM

I have a lawsuit against nightingale which has stalled Can you please reach out to Aaron Nelson and see if he wants to talk with me or my attorneys? My email is also [redacted]

Eric Corrington 7:37 PM

If you have a lawsuit against Nightingale, it's probably for wrongful termination. Mikhail has some really high-powered lawyers on careful. It's stalled because they're stalling it. If I were you, I'd focus on the wrongful termination first, but I'd dig further into Mikhail's past and his employment with another for-profit school that went under in California. Feel free to connect with Aaron Nelson on LinkedIn - use my name in the invitation. I'll reach out to him, too.

March 2021

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