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<< Return to Nightingale



Demands (older draft)


  • 6 months severance - with benefits.


  • I write a one page letter to ACEN.
  • I write a one page letter to the Nightingale Board of Trustees.
  • I write a one page letter to Susan Jero.


  • I sign a non-disclosure agreement.
  • Letter of recommendation from Susan Jero.
    • ...with an understanding that if anyone @ Nightingale slanders my name in anyway, I will file a restraining order against numerous people in the organization
      • The CEO is Russian and he is "hetri" extremely devious and cunning which has caused the 74% attrition rate.



Nightingale Overview


  • ACEN accreditation.

Tuesday, approximately

  • Lunch with Russ. He explains again how Kara is fleecing the company with Chase.

Wednesday, approximately

  • Discussion with Carson about nepotism - Kara hiring Chase, her son, who does very little.
He happens to have a meeting with Chase and his best friend Kyle in less than an hour.
I talk to Carson about the hierarchy, who is in charge of Sharepoint, who is in charge of "Canvas"?
I do not bring up Carson.

Wednesday, February 7, 2019

  • Bought for ACEN to access.

Thursday, February 8, 2018 - After 5 hour shift in the morning, Sue sends me home

  • I ride my bike early to the office.
  • I am alerted to a risk of fire in Nightingale and CEO's apathy about this.
I walk by Nerima office and say good morning saying "how's the fire"?
[I had helped her with the fire drill before].
She says that Nightingale is a firetrap. she discusses her frustration about CEO sounding annoyed. I tell her I just walked downstairs last night and it ends at level 2. I asked her if she knew I was an attorney. She said no. I told her about options that we could do [ladder outside of window], liability in a suit, etc. she says that she will include me in the meeting with Kara and KayDee. I express my reservations about that, knowing how angry KayDee and Kara will be if she suggests that I be part of the meeting, but she basically says she is okay with this as it is her meeting.
By this time Nightingale/Blake and New girl have arrived.
Russ comes in in the morning, I say "hey aren't you going to say hello?"
Russ lunges at me and says something about it being an "all woman's organization".
I am shocked, and respond with something like, ah, "isn't that cute he is trying to be the dominate male". [i suspect that Sue had talked to Russ and told Russ everything I had told her in confidence about Russ saying Nightingale is a failing organization]
Russ sits fuming at the corner table, along the hallway.
Sandwichgate arrives is in the office, all smiles.
Curtis, Kendra and Sandwichgate go to lunch together.
  • Sue calls me into her office after reading my email about my frustrations about the way things work here. A very candid and open letter. Sue says, I just read your email, infuriated, she says log off and go home right now and do not do anymore work for today. Do not loggin again.
Unbeknownst to me this is my "perp walk", my "green mile" - my last walk in Nightingale.
I ride my bike to Enterprise. I get a car. I am devastated. I go home. I watch Ms. Sloane trailer. WWSD? Nightingale/What Would Sue-Ms. Sloane Do?
  • I decide I need to send something to ACEN. I need to do something. I write a letter. I think, were should I send this? I am devastated, afraid, and discombobulated. Should it be anonymous? Should I include my new address? Who should I address this too? So what are the steps. I need to buy a printer first.
  • I go to Walmart and buy the exact same printer, because I left my printer in Sue's office.
  • I take the printer home, and install it.
  • I begin to write the letter. Do I want it to be anonymous? If so Nightingale will know it is me. What should I do? I print the letter. Now to send it? I decide in Harmon's post office that I don't want to send the letter right then, my stomach hurts.
I buy two full boxes of paper to drop off at the office the next morning before my dental appointment. Hopefully this will be a peace offering to the office?
  • I decide not to send the letter.
I start to drive home. I stumble upon a Russian restaurant and spend the next two hours talking to everyone about Russia. I buy a pint of vodka. I drive home. I put the vodka unopened on the counter. I take my prescription sleeping pill.

Friday February 9, 2018 - I mail my work computer to ACEN.

  • I have a dental appointment at 730 am.
Approximately 3 am I wake up and can't sleep. I try to login, I am locked out.
I figure this is temporary, as Curtis had locked me out of one printer on Wednesday.
Strange - but I am worried - is this temporary? WWSD?
  • I look at my work computer. I decide to send my computer to ACEN, with a sticker with my signature and the date and time sealing the computer. This will be forensic evidence if needed about what really goes on at the college. I can give my password to ACEN at anytime.
I get prepared for my dental appointment.
I drive to Ogden, I arrive at a Kinko/Fed Ex a half hour early. I eat a bagel and wait. WWSD? Should I just send the computer or the letter? I realize I left the letter home. Fedex does not open at 7 am like google says. I leave and go to my dental appointment at 7:30.
After my dental appointment I drive around discombobulated.
WWSD? I will head to the post office instead. I drive over a curve. I arrive at 8:30. I try to send the computer to ACEN with the Post Office Kiosk. It is too complicated.
  • I mail the computer at approximately 9 am, only the ACEN CEO can sign for this delivery.
After my dental clinic, I am not sure what Sue wants me to do? I put 11 am on my return time, but I have no access to my calendar, and I am not sure what is going on. I return to the Midtown clinic were I got my dental work.
  • Approximately, 11:45 Sue calls me, where are you? I say that I am at dental clinic. I was trying to fill prescription and deal with billing. I tell sue that I wasn't sure what you wanted me to do. She says, come back, you are needed here.
I say ok, 1 pm. I hang up, realize that I have a set appointment with Gregg D. in DC for $150 and I would have to do the appointment in the car back. I text her and tell her 230. I start session with Gregg and then I think I see my brother at door of clinic. It looks just like him. I have a restraining order on my brother because he almost killed me the last day of September in 2016. I leave the clinic. I call my Grandmother and tell my aunt is Drew there? She says no. I arrive at Mcdonalds and start the session. It lasts longer than usual - 1h22m. Someone starts calling me toward the end. I get some food at McDonalds before driving back to work in Salt Lake.
  • Approximately 1:50 pm - While I am eating at McDonald's Sue calls, Kevin is on the line too. Sue says, We have decided to terminate your employment and we need your current address. I say "hello Kevin", I ask, "what about my computer? Do you want me to drop it off?" Sue says, "don't worry about that now, right now we need your current address". I say, "I mailed my computer to ACEN so lets take the weekend and talk about this on Monday." Kevin asks, "what does that mean?" And the call ends.

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