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Google review

Would you want to get a degree from a college which will be closed down by the nursing accreditors in the next year? The CEO of Nightingale, Mikhail Shneyder, moved from California to work at Nightingale in 2015 after the Department of Education closed down Heald College where he was the Vice President.

I worked for Nightingale from 2017-2018 as the direct assistant to Sue Jero, the nursing head of the school. Ms. Jero would actively lie to members of the community and employees. Nightingale has an astounding 27% employee turn over rate a year. I was fired for continuing to bringing up the unethical practice of secretly recording an ACEN visit. I currently have an employment law case filed against the company and have interviewed numerous past employees. One past IT director called Nightingale a "slush fund", which recorded ABHES visits and would illegally rip off the federal government and students. Another employee said she quit because Mikhail was threatening to fire her if she did not lie to the nursing accreditors.

Older review

Nightingale's NCLEX first time pass rate is well below national accreditation benchmark of 80% at 48.65% for the second quarter of 2017 and 54.5% for the first quarter of 2017.

The rest of the review removed per [Privileged and Confidential - Information for **** on Behalf of Travis Lee Bailey - February 14, 2018] e-mail